Do you struggle with low self-esteem and low self-confidence, or do you feel like you are not good enough? Get in touch, and I can explain how counselling can help you.

Overcome your own personal story and move towards a positive future


Finding your balance

I remember the saying many years ago ‘don’t bring your home problems into work’. The challenge, though, is working out whether it’s a work issue or a home issue that you are struggling with because work-related stress is most likely to have an effect at home.

Photo of Vicky

Why speak to me?

We all know how important it is to talk about how we might be feeling. However, speaking to people you know can be difficult for lots of reasons. I often find that clients don’t want to worry their friends and family or believe that they will not understand and feel judged negatively, which causes them to say nothing. Sadly, this often leads to behaviours that only mask for short periods of time the things that you are struggling to deal with.

As a counsellor, my role is to listen. I am interested in your story, and I listen to understand how you are feeling.

How can I help you?

Research shows that having someone listen to you has a positive effect on your mental wellbeing. As a counsellor,  I’m here to listen to your story and to support you to move towards the changes you are seeking.

Health and Wellbeing

We all want to be healthy and feel on top of the world all the time, but is it really possible? Find out more about all round wellbeing and how we can help with that.  


Connection with other human beings is in our DNA, so why does it feel so difficult sometimes? If you’re struggling in your relationships with partners, children, family or friends, find someone to talk to.

Living with Anxiety or Depression

Are you struggling with overthinking? Not being able to switch off? Find out more about anxiety and depression and common symptoms here. 

I’ve been feeling a lot better of late. I think the sessions discussing my mother and brother really helped (all those years of angst! If only I’d spoken sooner!) and that’s helped me to focus on other things.
I just want to thank you for your support last year. I’m extremely grateful for your help and providing me with some clarity that I clearly lacked. I know these things don’t go away overnight but at least you’ve provided me with some tools to move on with.
If ever I feel I’m faltering in future I hope I can come knocking on your door again.
Shared with the permission of the client who was struggling with the loss of his mum and brother.

I’m offering face-to-face counselling in my garden office based in Longbridge, Birmingham, and online.


Reach Out


0121 728 2395


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